O.c.d More Condition_symptoms How Can You Tell If A Person Has O.C.D Or Is Just Playing Silly Mind Games?

How can you tell if a person has O.C.D or is just playing silly mind games? - o.c.d more condition_symptoms

I just saw a show on MTV about the disorder Obbsessive spoiled. It was a girl in the program and had significant problems with obsessive-compulsive disorder, rituals, and classes had. He said that his condition with little things, like when you started [for B.] are lines on the wall again and again ... When I saw that it was like "OMG I DO THT" Now I will fear I have OCD gunna like someone please help im only 13 and I always play with me, it's just a stupid idea, or a real game Problem! Here you go! I need help


kattymck... said...

There is a difference, if you count the rows as they need or want the line for any reason, such as boredom. What is it?

Did you feel that doing certain things, again and again to a certain point until they can stay alive?

People with OCD do not enjoy doing these things annoying. Nobody wants to repeat the steps over and over again, because it's fun, is it time to lose.

If the count of rows for fun or to repeat the same activities again and again because he wants to, not because you think you need?

People must feel to be repeated or abandoned and have the same things, because it feels safer if they do.

Playing mind games with themselves seem harmless, are not necessary to repeat or only count if you want.

StarBzl said...

We may not be able to recognize whether or not you suffer from this disease, but on the basis of "Mind Games" that you describe, it can have a tendency. But you know what? This is no big deal. OCD is an anxiety disorder, just an exaggeration and nothing else. There are also various forms of the same, for example, she felt compelled to do rituals and others, and some patients have no restrictions about the bill and the like (not in conflict with your life so much.)

The key is to keep control over their concerns, and special techniques of psychological differences real constraints. Please do not worry. If so, it's really nothing to fear. I promise. Talk to your doctor at your next appointment, or their parents, but do not panic. Tell them what you have told us and see what happens from there.

krennao said...

I'm sure if you have, and was the diagnosis of the problem that their parents are more aware of opportunities on the drug.

FYI MTV is not the best place for the "educational TV-get"

Yahzmin (US) [busy] said...

Please note also think that people carry with OCD May, and a normal life without any problem in many cases. My husband is a little obsessive-compulsive disorder. He must do certain things in a certain order, can not go to bed and sleep well, and that the logic of things one way or the other things put right in the freezer. But he has no control over their lives or interfere with the manner in which she lives in general. There is still a little time to do these things, I ignore it and move forward, happily married for 20 years.

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