Collecting Social Security Disability How Many People Do You Know That Are Collecting Social Security Disability That Are Perfectly Able To Work?

How many people do you know that are collecting social security disability that are perfectly able to work? - collecting social security disability

Horus as one before 25 weeks Sotres retial ATA operating a cash register work or work 25 hours per week in a call center?


myrrdin8... said...

None ... but I know that some people with disabilities who are actually fighting for years do not reach for a hand in the situation.

I also know of a case in which the social security contributions for disabled persons have been investigated and determined there were acquired during the years studied.

not only do not stop payments, proposed in an action to recover money already paid something around $ 40,000 to.

who has an IQ of over 60 years, can barely feed and must be able to dressing. keep a job? this poor man can barely walk.

zzone said...

Even worse is when a mother her own child, has classified as a madman in order to create a check from SSI, for themselves for their use. I know there are children and parents who have a child and needs help, but there is so much that he pays for the examination of each month. I know two women who do, and there is nothing wrong with these children. It is a scam, and I hope they get caught, all parents have done to ruin the lives of their children because they have found a way to the system, play and receive a check every month.

Annie G said...

I think 2, top right on the head. One is a big slob who grew up on welfare and never worked a day in his life. The "supposedly" has a back injury and not able to work, but that is no longer run all day in his new Harley. I can not imagine how he manages his back. The other complaints all day about their aches and pains (while his wife worked his a $ $ off), but did not prevent him to kneel and working in her flower garden, or driving snow to all its neighbors and to use payments under the table. When it comes to something he wants is for himself, his pain seems to disappear as if by magic, but when it comes to the actual work that is completely incompetent.

yutsnark said...

Not much. I estimates of disability in connection with my work. It is getting very, very difficult to be approved for SSD. Many people who are * not * deny the ability for services to work.

Often the problem is not that they are 100 percent disabled - employers are hiring, but not really. For example, a man who suffers from epilepsy, and for a grand mal seizure, at unpredictable intervals. Nobody hire you because of liability issues, and because their attacks harmful to the workflow.

It would be nice if we could continue to develop jobs that accommodate especially for workers with reduced capacity.

Tennis_P... said...

two. These are the fatest people I've ever seen, and that is why we are there, but that's funny, they have the additional revenue from the property and works in his own restaurant, funny, she can not work, but can at the same time, all of a paradox. (which is illegal) and By the way conservative Republicans. Democrats insulted to get rid of, my grandfather is democratic and has worked hard in one day than ever before in your life boy.
People with disabilities work does not preach to me, my father had broken into the tendons of the shoulder, because he works very hard and can not work or collect, why? because she is independent. Oh yes, and came to the United States when he was 18 and set out alone on this point and was really good for him, he had never handouts.
in order to try not to criticize me about compassion for the people to be lazy or to share their own work, what happens to CEOs, an hour day after I have with golfing friends for eight yearsLDS slave most of their products in China and India, for twelve hours a day for fifty cents per hour? I regard them as lazy, as those who collect the disabled who have no physical ailments, too.
Do not try to tell you that I do not know what I'm talking about, because the only time I know what I say.

Soap said...

I know some of my community ..... I know some who "will work" very difficult, on disability. With today's technology (computers / internet), there is no reason for 99% of people on the basis of disability could not do other work. I see no reason why the "attacks" by some of the responses received, such as politics, religion or race .... I regret that someone bursting of the bubble, but I can search all categories ... Yes, I would give the% of people on the disability of these categories, but must demography, where I believe .... it would not be valid for other regions of the United States ... .... alone in my work I see every day and not be restricted to certain racial or religious or political affiliation, but it is another of this "assistance" program, which has grown out of control and abuse. ....

rw113 said...

You can work up to 80 hours per month increase, or $ 1,100 (the amount each year) or so and still receive benefits. The intention is to help them become self-sufficient, even with his disability. As they paid their insurance premiums, which have their advantages.

rw113 said...

You can work up to 80 hours per month increase, or $ 1,100 (the amount each year) or so and still receive benefits. The intention is to help them become self-sufficient, even with his disability. As they paid their insurance premiums, which have their advantages.

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