Mucus Immediately Before Period Due Blood In Urine, Blood In Stool, Bloody Mucus?

Blood in urine, blood in stool, bloody mucus? - mucus immediately before period due

I am a woman of 20 years
On 11 February, I noticed some brown blood in my underwear and took my period started .. have always been irregular, so I never set a date for when they do not start. However, the bleeding stopped immediately and no further questions for the rest of the day. I took it seriously as anything, because apparently women outbreaks of spots sometimes, but that was my first experience with it.
4 days later I noticed a few things in my red chair. I assumed it was the beet to eat earlier in the night.
The next day, again I had a bit of brown blood to leave the area before, but I want a few questions before the body region, because the blood does not follow the rest of the day. He has, however, it seems very little when I urinated. I could see in my urine, as such, but when I deleted is clear, some pink. There was also the mucous from the front, was the pink
A week later, I only went to the toilet and had few ifPrevious blood in my stool. In fact, the water was pink. When I clean the back there was blood red in fresh tissue.

I can not have a doctor until Monday, so if you have an idea of what could have the problem, or experienced anything like it, please return to me.

BTW, the last blood in the stool incident I wrote about happened just today. I go to the bathroom, and there is blood on the front. Be no blood in the stool and blood from the vagina (or in your urine or the ovaries) We seem to occusing simulatenously


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