Building a motorcycle frame? - build sand rail frame
Ok I need to know what tools I need, and recommended pipe size. I try my own chassis are not sure what I am probably a bike path, or perhaps a sand All I know is I have a GSXR 600 engine 05 I want to build, then learn to play and something new in the process. I know it seems odd that I have an idea, but I think they have the common sense and with the intention of perhaps something could be done almost all the same.
Build Sand Rail Frame Building A Motorcycle Frame?
6:03 AM
Well, Donald, I hope you have some money for it. You need to get a tube bender (bending of tubes), a tube of Notch is also useful. need something like a frame for holding pieces together during welding jig you give them a welder (TIG MIG is better need it, but it works) is needed to learn or to weld Farm solder, drill, angle grinder, a Vice President in the to support the proper size, torches, and a person for the project engineer, so they do not fall apart when your luck is very fast and not to try to take shortcuts, your ass is online.
I'm building a bike frame to measure and if you are not an x-ray welders certified not to endanger your life.
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